Beasts in Winter Read online

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  Her auburn-haired stranger made a sound of approval, and she turned her face to his and felt his smile against her lips as he kissed her.

  The gasping above her drew her attention to her brown-haired lover, and she looked deep into his eyes, so filled with ardor and hunger. He’d given in to every one of her demands, but he hadn’t come yet. In a breathless, rough whisper, he said, “Remember…do not trust in appearances, mon ange.”

  His hands trembled, and his eyes slammed shut as if he was in terrible pain, and she felt the sexy weight of his ball sac against her ass and the iron hard girth of his cock inside her as he thrust over and over, bringing her to orgasm once more. Light exploded behind her eyelids, blinding her as her ears were filled with his animalistic roar.

  Chapter Four

  A crackling pop from the fireplace jolted Angel awake with a cry. Her breathing came in great gasps, as if she’d just run up the enormous stone steps that led to the front of the castle. She lifted her arms to comfort her lover, to wrap them around him and hold him, and they closed on air. “No!” She went limp against the plush chair back and panted, listening to the pounding pulse in her ears as her heart rate slowed, and it surprised her when tears flooded her eyes.

  The sexy voice from her dream echoed deep and rumbly in her memory. “Remember, mon ange…”

  She trembled with want.

  “Why is this happening?”

  Sense eventually returned, and with it, her Rule Number One came to mind, but how did she go about finding the value in the hottest sex she’d ever had when it was only a dream? She was so hot she could feel her juices seeping between her thighs. It had felt so real, and obviously she’d come more than once. She practically needed a shower.

  Instead, she stood up on trembling legs and went to the leaded glass doors. The handles didn’t creak when she turned them, and the doors opened outward to the balcony, the gust of chilly air shocking her.

  Wrapping her arms around herself, she shivered. “What is happening to me?”

  A soft touch alerted her to Fleur’s presence, and she smiled as the feline rubbed her face against her skirt. She placed her front paws on Angel’s knees as if asking to be held. Now that the cold wind had cooled Angel’s skin, as well as her arousal, she lifted Fleur into her arms.

  A shudder rippled through her when the wind gusted, and she said, “You’re lucky to have such a luxurious fur coat, Fleur. It’s cold,” she whispered, though she welcomed the sensation, as it banked the heat still flickering within her.

  Silk and fur suddenly enclosed her, and she chuckled, thinking the mirror must be working his wardrobe magic with her. After taking in the view of the snowy landscape, she turned and then gasped at the presence towering over her.


  He gazed down at her with hooded eyelids as he lifted the hood into place and stroked the fur edge of the cloak. “You were cold.”

  Though she hoped he would say more, he simply turned to look out at the gardens beyond the terrace, his mouth curved downward in a perpetual frown, though she didn’t sense animosity. Standing beside him, she was eye level with his sternum, and she wasn’t short for a woman.

  “I thought I wouldn’t see you until in the dining room.”

  Bestiale kept his eyes on the garden and his hands clasped behind his back. “I wish to apologize to you.”

  When he didn’t continue, she prompted him. “Apologize for what?”

  He cleared his throat, the hoarseness he spoke with seeming to irritate him. “For my brusqueness with you earlier. We haven’t had visitors in some time. I…I find it difficult to talk, and with Charmeur mute, I must speak for him, as well. It is tiresome.”

  She turned to go. “I’m sorry to be a bother.” The castle was fun to explore, but she needed to remember that she wasn’t exactly there by choice. “I would leave if I could figure out how.”

  He caught her hand to stop her. His touch was gentle, not forcing her to stay. “Please, I don’t mean to offend you. I am unfit for socializing, Angel. I wish it were me who is mute. This would all be so much easier. Charmeur is the one with the courtly ways. Please do not be offended or frightened of me. I know this…” He gestured to his face and his form and then held up his large, clawed hands. “I know this must be horrific to look upon, but I would never harm you. And I am sorry for storming from the dining room this morning. My temper is directed at myself more than any other, but I took it out on you. Of course you desire to go home.”

  “Will you let me go now?”

  “The proper time shall come to pass,” he murmured as he backed toward the balcony doors. “The bell will ring soon.”


  The doors swung closed. Fleur meowed to her and gazed at her with those deep blue eyes.

  “Well, pretty girl, that wasn’t a no, and at least he no longer frightens me as much as he did. It was kind of him to bring me a cloak.”

  Returning to the library, she was about to remove the warm cloak when the first bell rang. “I didn’t realize it was that late. I must’ve slept longer than I thought. I’d better go and get tidied up.”

  She swung the cloak from her shoulder—and gasped. Beneath the protective garment, she now wore a silky, extraordinarily low-cut gown made of the same sheer clingy material as the red one the night before, only this time it was royal blue. Approaching a mirror hanging on the wall near the library door, she muttered, “They’d better not be able to see my pussy.”

  She could just imagine what her friends would say, and the thought made her giggle. Elaina would look her up and down and say, “Ya only live once, sister. I say live this fantasy to the fullest and flaunt those curves.” Then her friend would reach in her bra and adjust the girls for her because Elaina had no boundaries where her closest friends were concerned. A shaky breath followed the giggle, and Angel whispered, “I miss you girls. Okay, what’s it like, mirror?”

  She turned and opened her eyes and then blinked. “Huh. Well, that’ll work.”

  The dress was still low-cut as hell, and the royal blue fabric was still sheer, but beneath the dress, or overdress in this case, was an undergarment of sorts. It was made of a shimmering, iridescent black silk, also rather sheer as she ran her thumb under it, but beneath the royal blue dress, it hid all her naughty bits—but only just barely.

  The undergarment was split all the way up the sides, revealing that the only other thing she wore was some skimpy-as-hell G-string. Other than that, her outer legs, hips, waist, rib cage, and even the sides of her breasts were bare, but her pussy, her breasts and her nipples, and her ass—or at least the crack of her ass—were all covered unless a stray wind came along or the mirror decided to get cute in mid-meal. But every bit of her abundant cleavage was revealed by the jewel-trimmed bodice.

  The second bell suddenly rang. “Shoot!” She turned to yank open the library door and then froze at an odd sensation. “What…the…hell…was…that?” She took another step and turned to look at Fleur. The cat gazed at her, blinking innocently before licking a paw. She reached for the door again and stopped. She backed up and looked at the mirror.

  “This is not funny. I ask for decent cover, and you think it’s cute to outfit me with a vibrating G-string that’s more string than G?”

  The amused snort almost had a French accent.

  She took a deep breath, and every nerve ending in her nipples suddenly sprang to vibrant life. Clutching her suddenly over-excited breasts, she growled. “And nipple teasers? Really?” she squeaked, looking inside the bodice. She didn’t see anything, although she sure as hell felt the pressure and pinch, as if the fabric was rubbing and squeezing at the tight points.

  “Son of a bitch,” she muttered as she walked out of the library. With each step she either got her nipples tweaked or her clit rubbed by whatever underwear she’d been fitted with.

  Her cheeks were flushed by the time she arrived at the dining room to find that the beasts had not yet arrived. Taking deep, stea
dy breaths, she tried to be still so the dress would behave. Warming her hands before the fireplace, she smiled. At least she wasn’t clad in ankle-breaker high heels, wearing pantyhose, and an underwire bra like she did every day for her job as a paralegal back home. And she did love the way the fabrics of her dresses felt. They just made her super horny.

  She could almost hear Caresse and Elaina giggle. She sighed softly, hoping they were all right. What if they’d gotten into trouble similar to her own? Looking around, she wondered. Would she call this trouble?

  “What makes you sad?” Bestiale asked from directly behind her.

  * * * *

  Hunger like none he had ever experienced pierced Bestiale as he breathed through his mouth, trying not to react to the nearly overwhelming scent of her arousal. But over that scent, he detected her sadness, and inept as he was with her feelings, he wanted to fix it. He just wasn’t sure how.

  She didn’t realize how the fireplace lit her from behind, illuminating her pearly flesh and clearly delineating her voluptuous silhouette. When she turned, his cock hardened further as he took in the front of the gown, trying not to stare at her glorious breasts, nearly revealed, yet skillfully hidden. She was clad for his torture tonight. A barely perceptible growl as Charmeur entered the chamber told him his half-brother felt the same.

  Mon Dieu, his brother whispered through the telepathic link as he came to a halt at Bestiale’s side. He blinked, and stared and blinked again. If I suffocated against those I would die a happy man.

  Bestiale whacked his brother’s chest hard enough to make him grunt.

  Angel gave an exasperated sigh, but she impressed him when, instead of covering herself with her arms out of self-consciousness, she walked to the seat that was pulled out for her. High color filled her cheeks, however, and Bestiale nudged Charmeur and shook his head. His rakish brother just grinned.

  Imbeciles, you must do something more than just stare are her breasts. She was rather put out with the sheerness of the fabric. Seriously, it’s winter outside, Fleur muttered through the mind connection the three of them shared. And what are nipple teasers and G-strings? She looked very uncomfortable when she fussed about them. They better not hurt her!

  Charmeur put a hand to his lips to cover his silent laughter and said, Sweet, innocent sister, you don’t want to know, but trust me, she is not hurting…at least not in a bad way.

  Fleur grimaced as much as a cat can, curling one of her lips so her whiskers crinkled before shaking out her fur. Ugh. Don’t tell me anymore.

  Over the years, they’d developed the habit of filtering their more adult thoughts and conversations out of deference to Fleur’s virgin ears—usually. With Angel constantly in their thoughts, that had become more difficult.

  “Did you plan to eat with me tonight?” Angel asked as she gestured to the other plates set at the table.

  Bestiale and Charmeur had already eaten. The hunt had satisfied their hunger for sustenance, and the run to catch the deer had drained off some of his excess energy. That was a good thing in light of how hard he had to work to restrain the sexual side of his beast—but the meal had satisfied only one need.

  Sharing the dream with her and Charmeur, touching her through her thoughts, had been another revelation. Their beauty was uninhibited, at least in her dreams, and full of spirit when awake. Satisfying her needs had been both pleasurable and also painful, and he’d come away from the experience with a greater appetite for her, rather than an abated one as he’d hoped. She was magnificent, demanding, and wanton when she lost control.

  “Hello?” Angel quipped. She turned to Charmeur and actually growled, having caught him ogling her perfectly luscious breasts and licking his lips as though he could already taste her flesh. She snapped her fingers in his face. “My eyes are up here, Char-moo!”

  Charmeur winced, and it was all Bestiale could do not to laugh as he replied for his brother. “Excusez-moi?”

  She pointed two fingers at her eyes. “My eyes are up here. And I can’t help it. I don’t speak French, and it’s hard to wrap my lips around his name.”

  Charmeur bit his lip, and he chuckled within the telepathic link. Mon ange, I’d be more than happy to assist you in wrapping your lips around anything of mine.

  Fleur used her paws to cover her eyes and screamed telepathically. Eww! You pig! Keep your lusty thoughts to yourself!

  Bestiale thumped Charmeur hard in the chest again, with his fist this time. “My brother wishes to apologize for his behavior—”

  No, I don’t, Charmeur argued telepathically, which Bestiale found both annoying and confusing while he tried to carry on conversation with Angel.

  Bestiale continued, despite the dirty thoughts crowding Charmeur’s mind, and bowed to her. “He wishes for me to tell you that the blue dress suits you and he hopes you had a nice day today.”

  That’s better, Fleur said through their link as she hopped up at the opposite end of the table and nibbled at the fresh salmon he’d caught at the river for her. Mmm, yummy fish! Keep talking, Bestiale. She thought it was sweet of you to bring her a cloak earlier.

  He cast a quick glance at Fleur. Oh yes? And what else did she say?

  Fleur giggled. She said today she is not as afraid of you. She loves the library, although I think she had a bad dream this afternoon. She was fidgety and flustered when she awoke. You still need to answer her question, Bête.

  “Hmm?” Bestiale slipped and uttered out loud. “Oh! Your question. Yes, I mean we already ate but we would be happy to sample the fruit or desserts while you enjoy your meal.”

  Angel’s brow furrowed a bit but she gestured to their place settings. “Please join me then. You know, there are times when I’ve wondered if some sort of non-verbal communication is going on between you. Have you been around each other so long that you can communicate that subtly?”

  “In a manner. I apologize, ange. We are isolated here and our habits may seem odd.”

  Charmeur nudged him telepathically as he placed a cluster of grapes on his china plate and took his seat. Ask her.

  Fleur sat up and blinked. In a rush, Char-moo?

  Charmeur glowered at Fleur. You wouldn’t understand, Cinder-tail. You’re barely a woman.

  Fleur’s ears flattened and she hissed as she stared back. Perpetually, yes. And it’s partly your fault. If you didn’t run your mouth so much, and he didn’t fly off the handle at the drop of a hat, I’d be grown, married, and probably have kids of my own by now. And stop calling me Cinder-tail. If you had a twelve-inch appendage you might accidentally ignite it when you sit next to the fireplace, too.

  Charmeur chuckled silently, his hand going to his lap in a subtle gesture. Who’s to say I don’t?

  Oh, eww! You are so disgusting! Fleur muttered, then gagged. Pig.

  With great care so as not to claw himself accidentally, Bestiale rubbed the furred spot at the center of his heavy brow as they continued their verbal sparring in his head. He was cranky on his best day, and his siblings were making it so much worse.

  A small hand came to rest on top of his on the table. “Do you have a headache? You look as if you’re in pain.”

  He looked down at the little hand touching his. The first human touch he’d had in so long he’d lost track of time. She touched him in spite of the enormous, sharp claws growing from his fingertips, in spite of the thick brown fur that covered the top of his hand and the rest of his body. A bestial whine welled up inside him, and he clamped down in the urge to let the weak sound emit from him.

  “Do you have medicine you can take for a headache?”

  He opened his eyes and simply gazed at her. Defenseless. “No, mon ange, but to look at you is enough to ease my pain.”

  Fleur and Charmeur ceased their bickering and gaped at him.

  Nicely put, my brother, Charmeur whispered telepathically as he stabbed a grape with his clawed index finger and popped it into his mouth.

  Bête, that was really sweet. Aw, she’s blushing!
I’m gonna cry! Fleur said with a sniffle. He glanced at them both and Fleur said, We’ll be quiet. Sorry. Sorry I called you a pig, Charmeur.

  Charmeur’s telepathic reply was a kissie noise aimed at their little sister and a wink that made her giggle.

  Angel stroked his hand once, and again, as if testing the softness of his fur, before looking up at him. “Sometimes I get a headache if I don’t drink enough water. Maybe you should have some?”

  “If you think it would help, mon ange, I would do anything you ask.” He reached for the filled glass before him, and she smiled. “Do you like the castle?”

  She hesitated but only for a second and nodded. “Especially the library. I think I may explore your garden tomorrow…if that’s all right?”

  He knew his smile could easily be mistaken for a grimace, and he hated the way it revealed his teeth to her. He wasn’t one to smile often anyway, but he would’ve liked to in that moment, so instead he bowed his head to her slowly and then nodded. “It would please me greatly to have you explore the garden. The gardeners here once took great pride in their work.” He would know. He had been chief among them for a while.

  Her eyebrows rose. “Oh? Did you know the original inhabitants of this castle?”

  Charmeur kicked him under the table, and Fleur gasped silently. You know the rule, Bête! Her strident tone echoing in his head made it ache worse.

  Bestiale shook his head. “No. What I meant was that anyone looking around at the care that was taken with the garden would have to agree that the gardeners were very proud of their work.”

  “But where are they? Surely they will return when the spring comes in a month or two, right?”

  He shook his head, detesting the necessity of lying to her again. “It has been winter a long time here. They may never return.”

  “Oh, that would be a shame. The roses on the castle and the balcony arbors…they would be breathtaking in spring. I hope you find someone to give them the love they need.”